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Keyword Rank SERP Checker

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Examples #

Try a few example inputs:
  • [TRY] Keyword 'pga tour' with domains and
  • [TRY] Keyword 'pizza' and the domain set to

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Description #

Keyword Rank SERP Checker evaluates website's keyword rank for Google search engine. This is a very important and popular tool for SEO experts and online marketers as its results are directly connected to websites' traffic.

SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page, which is a page returned by search engine in response to a search query. SERP Checker is a tool used to obtain a position of domains in the search results for a specific keyword query. The better the position of your domain is for a keyword query, the higher is the chance of attracting visitors that used that keyword in their search queries.

According to various studies (e.g. The Value of Google Result Positioning), the site with SERP rank 1 (i.e. the first search result) gets over 30 % of the traffic generated by a search on Google; and first three results gets over 60 % of all the traffic. Being on the second page (i.e. positions 11th to 20th, assuming the default 10 results per result page), will give you less than 1 % off traffic. This is why it is very important to have high ranks for keywords that are crucial for your project.

When marketing a project, SERP ranks of your keywords can be one of the important statistics to measure the efficiency of your campaign.

Note that although search engines do update their databases and thus the search results all the time, it is unlikely that your SERP rank changes very often. It is recommended to perform regular weekly checks, if you are running a related campaign, or biweekly or monthly if you just want to monitor your search engine performance over a longer period of time.

Usage #

Start with selecting a region using the Region selectbox. The default value is Global region, which is represented by Localized versions of Google may return different results, so it depends on your project and target audience whether you are more interested in a global search or a search for a specific region.

Enter a keyword into the Keyword field and fill in the Domain name field with a name of the domain, which position you want to check. Finally, hit the "Check Rank!" button and wait for the results.

If you want to measure performance of multiple domain at the same time – for example your domain and a domain of your competitor – simply click the Add another domain link and fill it in. You can enter up to 10 domains.

The output consists of two lists. The first list contains results of Google search engine which match one of the domains your have entered. The second list contains up to 100 search results for the specified keyword. Besides the rank, the second list also contains information on whether the keyword was found in the result page title, description, and its URL.